In literacy courses you learn the Latin alphabet in three modules. Participants learn how to read and write. This works as follows: First, via listening to sounds and speaking them, so that an awareness of writing can develop. The use of Images and movement supports this process and grammar is also part of the teaching concept right from the start.
After literacy, you continue at a slow learning pace with A1. The lessons are aimed at participants who are not used to learning. Our teachers have special knowledge and methodological procedures to successfully teach migrants who have had little or no schooling in their home countries and possibly lead them to the German test for immigrants.
Literacy courses take place in the mornings and afternoons. Participation is possible with and without an integration course authorisation. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is funding a total of 1200 teaching units.
In our literacy course in Munich-Maxvorstadt you will learn how to read, hear and pronounce the German language. These are state or city-subsidised German courses for migrants and refugees.
Alphabetisierungskurse – Termine und Preise
Register for a literacy course
Katerina Gehl
Customer consultant
Augustenstrasse 77
80333 Munich
Integration courses with literacy for others?
Would you like to help other people to attend a German course with literacy training?
You are welcome to register as:
- Social counselor for adults and families
- Migration consultant
- Youth welfare (our courses are for ages 16 and up)
- Volunteers
- Family members and friends
We would be happy to talk to you! Find out what the options are for starting to learn German.
On-site advice on the literacy course
Offer for placement and registration for integration courses with literacy training
Come and visit us at Augustenstraße 77 (rear building) in Munich, Maxvorstadt! We offer advice at the following times:
The language school for German, business and culture in Munich
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Get to know us and our school
Find out more about our learning concept here