Sonating in Munich means that you are committed to a better coexistence in Munich. Integration courses at the Klartext language school in Munich-Maxvorstadt give refugees and migrants the chance to gain a foothold in Germany. Your donation is tax-deductible. Support a social project!

KLARTEXT needs strong partners to promote the integration of our migrants into work and into everyday life in Germany. One way to support our work is to donate money.

Thank you very much in advance for your support for the integration of our migrants!

Bank details

You can use the following account to donate money:

Hypovereinsbank Munich
IBAN: DE85 7002 0270 0659 3543 65

Donation receipts

Donations to KLARTEXT e.V. are tax-deductible. For donations of 50 euros or more, we will automatically issue you a donation receipt at the beginning of the following year.