Learn German with KLARTEXT e.V. in Munich – Maxvorstadt. Since April 2010, KLARTEXT e.V. has been running German courses for refugees financed by the city, currently in cooperation with IG – InitiativGruppe Interkulturelle Begegnung und Bildung e.V., IB – Internationaler Bund Freier Träger der Jugend-, Sozial- und Bildungsarbeit e.V. and Anderwerk Gesellschaft für Neues Handeln in Bildung und Sozialarbeit mbH. We offer the course levels literacy, A1, A2 and B1 . Registration for the courses takes place exclusively via the IBZ – Sprache & Beruf (integration advice center – advice on German courses and qualifications after migration and flight): IBZ – Sprache & Beruf
Franciscan St. 8, 81669 Munich Tel: 089 233 40 622 E-Mail: ibz-sprache.soz@muenchen.de The courses are sponsored by the Office for Housing and Migration in the Social Department of the City of Munich. The target group for the courses are refugees who live in Munich and are unable to attend state-subsidized integration courses due to their residency status. The aim of the courses is to offer the participants a fixed daily structure shortly after their arrival and, above all, to provide them with the language skills so that they can subsequently obtain a school-leaving certificate, complete an apprenticeship or pursue a professional activity. Placement is done centrally at KLARTEXT e.V. for all courses of the Trägergemeinschaft. After counseling by the IBZ, interested parties are invited to an assessment appointment, tested and then forwarded to a suitable course of the Trägergemeinschaft. Contact at KLARTEXT e.V. Ute Schäfer
Project management sfK Phone 089 540 46 98 26

In an integration course in Munich-Maxvorstadt you will learn how to read, hear and pronounce the German language. These are state or municipally subsidized German courses for migrants and refugees.

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Ute Coordination of city-funded German courses for refugees KLARTEXT e. V. Augustenstraße 77 80333 Munich Tel:+49 89 540 46 98-26 E-Mail: sfk@klartext-zentrum.de

The language school for German, business and culture in Munich